Short mat bowls is played indoors on special carpets and is a more subtle and gentle game than its indoor long mat bowls or outdoor lawn bowls relations. We aim to encourage the game through a very friendly social atmosphere, providing gentle exercise for the body and mind and an opportunity for social interaction. All sessions are marked by laughter, chatter and of course, the occasional cries of frustration (often followed by more laughter).
The club is affiliated to London County and The London League and members have the opportunity to play in these leagues. There is no pressure on any members to do this. We do not have an “elite squad” nor is there an “us and them” division in the club. Enjoyment of bowls for all is the main aim of the club.
The club runs between mid-September and mid-April in The Shirley Parish Hall. We meet on
Each session has a break for tea and biscuits and is run by an experienced member of the club, acting as session leader, who arranges the games.
We have two levels of membership, one for those who wish to play only in one session per week and one for those that wish to play in two or more sessions per week. New members do not need previous experience of bowls as tuition can be given and each prospective member has four free sessions before they must decide whether to join (by paying the necessary subscription). You must have flat-soled shoes to play in (they don’t need to be ‘bowls shoes’ to begin with), and we can lend you bowls to start. We welcome new members of any age and ability and do not see physical impairments as a reason for exclusion from the sport.
If you would like to experience the sport and the atmosphere of our club in particular, please contact our Club Captain, Lawrie Rendle, by email or telephone as follows: -
Tel: 0208 777 5869 (Has a call guardian system so be patient!)